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- Livrare estimativă în 10 zile
EDITORIAL Nicholas DIMA Iran - Nuclear Perspective and Geopolitics
Benjamin E. THOMAS North Africa and the Near East
Mohammad Reza HAFEZNIA A new Definition of Geopolitics
Gheorghe VĂDUVA Areal - forţă sau pivot central în geopolitica Orientului Mijlociu Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU The Empires of Ancient Persia and the European Union Marius VĂCĂRELU Analyzing property - Romanian Questions, Persian Answers GEOSTRATEGIE Mohammad Reza HAFEZNIA Natural Insecurity and Deterrence of Development. Case Study: Iran Stan PETRESCU Unele aspecte colaterale implicaţiilor dosarului nuclear iranian Tiberiu TRONCOTĂ The New U.S. Foreign Policy for Iran Darius George STAN War against Terrorism or Oil Quest GEOISTORIE Radu Ştefan VERRGATI Universities in Iran - Beginnings Zahra AHMADIPOR, Mohammad Reza HAFEZNIA Political and Social Participation in Iran Marius LAZĂR Le chiisme irakien dans le contexte de la rivalité géopolitique Irak - Iran GEOGRAFIE POLITICĂ Mohammad HAFEZNIA Political Organization of Space in Iran Zahra AHMADYPUR, Mohammad Reza HAFEZNIA, Hassan RAHIMI The Spatial Effect of Reopening of the Border. Case Study: Jolfa Border between Iran and Azerbaijan/Former USSR GEOECONOMIE Dănuţ Radu SĂGEATĂ Romania - a Favorable Destination for Iranian Investments SEMNAL EDITORIAL