Preț: | 73.50 lei |
Cod produs: | 257709 |
Autor(i): | Irina Diana Madroane |
Editura: | Editura Universitatii de Vest |
Colectia: | Biblioteca de Cercetare |
Anul aparitiei: | 2014 |
Nr. pagini: | 409 pagini |
Limba: | engleza |
Categorii: | Fictiune, Teoria literaturii, Carti |
Romanians in the Right-Wing British Press: A Critical Discourse Analysis Approach explores patterns of representation in the major pro-Conservative UK newspapers, around the topics of intercountry adoption legislation in Romania and Romanian economic migrants, at key moments before the country’s accession to the European Union.
Irina Diana Mădroane’s research is conceived as a contribution to the understanding of the discursive mechanisms that shape the construal of Romania in the British media of right-wing orientation. The patterns and trends identified in the book have continued in the years following Romania’s EU integration, with a renewed focus on immigration in the period 2013-2014.
Prezentare autor
Irina Diana Mădroane holds a PhD in Philology from the West University of Timişoara and an MA in Sociology from Lancaster University. She is a lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, West University of Timişoara. Her fields of specialisation are critical discourse analysis and the social sciences, in particular media studies. Irina Diana Mădroane’s research has been published in prestigious journals and international volumes (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Routledge, Sage, Taylor & Francis).
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