Preț: | 123.62 lei |
Cod produs: | 271270 |
Autor(i): | Marie F Mongan |
Anul aparitiei: | 2016 |
Nr. pagini: | 319 pagini |
Limba: | engleza |
Tip coperta: | necartonata |
ISBN: | 9780757318375 |
Categorii: | Carti in Limbi Straine, Medicine, Nursing & Ancillary Services, Midwifery, Family, Home and Practical Interests, Family & Health, Advice on parenting, Pregnancy, birth & baby care, Birthing methods, Carti in Limba Engleza, Carti |
HypnoBirthing founder Marie Mongan knows from her own four births that it is not necessary for childbirth to be a terribly painful experience. In this book she shows women how the Mongan Method works and how parents they can take control of the greatest and most important event of their lives.
So, why is birth such a traumatic event for so many women? And why do more than 40% of births now end in caesarian section, the highest percentage in history? The answer is simple: because our culture teaches women to fear birth as a painful and unsettling experience. Fear causes three physical reactions in the body—tightening of the muscles, reduced blood flow to the birthing muscles, and the release of certain hormones—which increase the pain and discomfort of childbirth. This is not hocus-pocus this is science.
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