Preț: | 97.40 lei |
Cod produs: | 381163 |
Autor(i): | Stan Fulger |
Editura: | Editura Gil |
Anul aparitiei: | 2020 |
Nr. pagini: | 134 pagini |
Limba: | engleza |
Tip coperta: | necartonata |
ISBN: | 9786065001022 |
Categorii: | Carte scolara, Matematica, Invatare Limbi Straine, Limba Engleza, Geometrie, Manuale scolare, Carti, Pentru scoala |
1 Useful theorems / lemmas
2 New idea, two problems, one solution
3 Incenter, circumcenter, excenter
4 Mustafa Yagci triangle
5 Triple angle lemma, double angle lemma
6 Lemma, important
7 Pantalon ` theorem, isogonal conjugate points
8 Langley triangle properties
9 Case of triangles congruency
10 Various methods to solve problems
11 Problems to be solved
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