Preț: | 18.00 lei |
Cod produs: | 220702 |
Colectia: | The Classical Greats Series |
Casa de discuri: | Casa de discuri Global Journey |
Anul aparitiei: | 2014 |
Format: | CD |
Cod produs: | 650922225229 |
Stil: | Clasica, Muzica, Diverse |
1. The Planets, Mars - the Bringer of War
2. The Planets, Venus - the Bringer of Peace
3. The Planets, Mercury - the Winged Messenger
4. The Planets, Jupiter - the Bringer of Jollity
5. The Planets, Saturn - the Bringer of Old Age
6. The Planets, Uranus - the Magician
7. The Planets, Neptune - the Mystic
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