Preț: | 85.00 lei |
Cod produs: | 78549 |
Artist(i): | Andre Rieu |
Casa de discuri: | Casa de discuri Andre Rieu Media BV. |
Format: | DVD |
Cod produs: | 04406532394 |
Stil: | Clasica, Muzica, Diverse |
1. Dark eyes | |
2. The red rose cafe | |
3. Que sera sera | |
4. The merry widow | |
5. The old castle | |
6. Granada | |
7. Under the sky of Paris | |
8. Lost heroes | |
9. My heart will go on | |
10. My love song would be a waltz | |
11. Edelweiss | |
12. Clog dance | |
13. Strauss & co | |
14. The red rose cafe | |
15. Ohne Sorgen | |
16. The marino waltz |
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